
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chat Archive 02/09/13

Chat Archive on Storify Topic: Computer Lab and Libraries - Role in 21st Century Schools

Chat Archive 02/16/2013

Chat Archive on Storify Topic: 1:1 and BYOD programs, Lenten Resource, Pope Changes

Topic 02/16/13

This week we'll talk about 1:1 and BYOD technologies in our schools. Also Lent and the Pope and teaching resources.

listen to ‘#catholicedchat topic for 2-16-13 #1to1 #byod ’ on Audioboo

Q1: -It has been a busy week in Catholic News(Pope) and Calendar(Ash Wednesday). How was this discussed in your school. What can you share?
Q2: What do you think about the trend of going 1:1 for computers/mobile devices/tablets? Is it an option for your school?  What is the benefit? How do you decide what devices to buy?
Q3: What are the challenges, pros and cons of 1:1, BYOD? What successes can you share?
Q4: How might schools design effective policies and procedures for 1:1 and BYOD programs?
Q5: What Lent resources can you share?  How are your students, teachers preparing?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

#CatholicEDchat Archive 02/02/13

Thanks for joining us!

View the archive here or the slideshow of the archive below:

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#CatholicEDchat Questions 02/02/13

Topic Celebrating Our Schools
 1. What highlights can you share from Catholic School's Week?
 2. In what new ways did you or your school share these events digitally? Online? (Twitter, instagram, pinterest, other?) Did you connect with other schools?
3. In what ways did you show student appreciation? faculty appreciation? parents/school community? How did the theme 'Raise the Standards' come in to play?
4. How is your school preparing for Lent?