
Advent Resources 11-22-14

Good morning! Today's chat is all about sharing Advent resources. Please introduce yourself, with your name, school, location and your favorite Thanksgiving pie.

Q1: What does your school do for Advent?

BB1: What is your favorite Thanksgiving side?

Q2: What do you do in your classroom for Advent?

BB2: What type of stuffing does your family make?

Q3: What do you do personally for Advent?

BB3: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Q4: What is one take away from today's chat that you will use?

Chat Archive - 11/15/2014 - Ethics of Care

Moderator: Patrick Tiernan

Q1:  How do you define care as a concept and practice? #catholicedchat

Q2: What does care look like in your school? #catholicedchat

Q3: How do we model care for students and faculty/staff? #catholicedchat

Q4: Can caring be shown in ways that are not typical? #catholicedchat

Q5: What are some of the institutional, social, or cultural barriers that limit our ability to model care in schools? #catholicedchat

Q6: How do you ensure that you are cared for? #catholicedchat

Q7: How do we build a culture of care given the myriad of demands placed on educators? #catholicedchat

Links and Resources to Share In Advance/During:

Link following Q1:
Philosophical approaches to care

Link following Q3:
Attachment theory

Link following Q5:
Feminist theory (Gilligan and Held)

Link following Q6:
Michael Slote interview on empathy