Saturday, August 31, 2013

Chat Questions


Q1: Do you regularly read and follow blogs? What are your go to blogs?
Q2: Do you believe in blogging as an effective practice for teachers? Why or why not?
Q3: Are your students blogging? What benefits to learning are most notable? Why would you recommend it for students?
Q4: Name your favorite blogging tools and apps - for students, teachers. Favorite blog readers? Where can one begin?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Picturing catholic education

Picturing Catholic Education

Picturing Catholic education

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Picturing catholic education

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Picturing catholic education

Picturing Catholic Education

Picturing Catholic Education

Picturing catholic education

Picture in Catholic Education

Picturing catholic education

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Picturing catholic education

Picturing Catholic Edication

Picturing Catholic Education

Picturing Catholic Education

Picturing catholic education

Friday, August 23, 2013

Chat Archive - 08/17/13 New Tech in the New School Year

Read the chat archive here

Chat Questions for 8-24-13 Mission Advancement and Tech

Join us on Twitter at 8am Central Time. Our moderator this week is Anne Schaefer Salinas
Q1. Has your Mission Statement been updated to include technology? Q1.5: If not, why not? Q2: What aspect(s) of your mission statement are furthered by the use of technology? Q3. How much PD is devoted to integrating technology on your campus? Q3.5: Is any part of your PD process embedded in your mission to help Ts see the connection between mission and technology? Q4. How much communication is devoted to explaining the use of technology on your campus to your parents?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chat Questions 08/17/13

Chat Questions: New Tech in the New School Year
1. What new technology is being implemented this year at your school?
2. What is your role in having the technology support teaching and learning?
3. What supporting materials do you have? Do you want to find? Name a favorite tool, site, app.
4. What are you most excited about using with students, teachers, families? What are your next steps?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Chat Questions 08/10/13

Getting Ready for the School Year
 1. In the weeks before school starts, what do you do to prepare for the school year?
2. In what ways do you decorate your school or classroom to welcome students? 3. Will you share favorite resource today? What are some ideas you incorporated? Ideas you used? Images that spoke to you? #catholicedchat
4. Is anyone using new homework apps or other tools this year with teachers, students or for themselves?
5. Name a back to school activity you like best for students, for faculty meetings.
6. Challenge - Share an image or photo this week from your school. Use hashtag #catholicedchat

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Chat Archive - Genius Hour - 08/03/13

Q1 Welcome to #catholicedchat! Please tell us where you are from and 1 NON-RELATED work hobby or passion you enjoy. Q2 Take 2/3 minutes, research your hobby. Come back & share something learned. Don’t forget to come back! :) #catholicedchat #geniushour Q3: Students learning about topics they enjoy? How do you envision this approach with regards to curriculum or standards? #catholicedchat #geniushour Q4: Sounds great and scary, huh? What issues would hinder you from trying this approach in your classroom? #catholicedchat #geniushour Q5: What do you see as positives/benefits of using or trying #geniushour? #catholicedchat Google uses #geniushour w/employees-called 20% time & found the off task time pays off big! #catholicedchat Q6: What resources, links, or people do you recommend to learn more about #freetolearn, 20% time or #geniushour? #catholicedchat 9:55 Q7: Five minutes left-please share 1 takeaway from today’s #catholicedchat discussing #geniushour